Discerning the World

A Genuine Christian Blog for Genuine Chrsitians

WE ARE RIGHT – they are wrong

42-19463379We are right and they are wrong.

There might be a lot of questions, lots and lots of questions asked by those seeking, but we have in our possession the ONLYright answer. We do not engage with people different from us – that is what E-mergents do. We just shout at everybody that we have the answer and our answer is better – because we say so.

We are not interested in arguments for a new way of thinking. Arguments just confuse us and being confused is what E-mergents are. They don’t even agree with each other – how confusing is that??? Why do we need a new way of thinking if this one kept us ignorantsafe for so long and isolated those infidels that think differently from us? Why should we tamper with something that works… for us?

I know it’s not just me that hate those different from me and is never wrong. It is part of the identity of us religious people. We need to be right. That is how TRUE religion works.

42-15233726We have locked ourselves in this stronghold – an unmovable, solid and unshakable defence (until these E-mergents came along). If we bend, move or give in on any part of our stronghold it will break apart leaving us exposed to all sorts of doctrines. Our Truth stronghold needs to be defended, protected, guarded and maintained at ALL cost (If we have to lie we will). The idea is to keep foreign ideas out like this one. And that is what we are here to do! We are always angry, afraid and ready to attack anyone’s character who dares to disagree.

If this kind of faith doesn’t work for you we know you are not a REAL Christian like us. Don’t ask us to drink coffee with you. Don’t write comments we don’t like or ask us to prove anything (like accusations that emergents believe all gods are the same, all roads lead to heaven and that you can believe anything you want) – we will delete it. We know what you believe and don’t need to prove anything.

If we say it is so, it is so!

If someone says something we will tell you what they REALLY mean. Don’t waist your time looking for the source. NO! We will tell you what everybody and anybody mean when they say things. If what they say something and you think its means something different than what we say it means then either you are confused and wrong or they are, NOT US.

Will Farel XV
Hiding the Truth



July 24, 2009 Posted by | Agreement, Aliens, All the other things I cannot think of, Angry, Anonymous, Any mint, Atheism, Batman, Bill Hybels, Bla bla bla, Bwahahhahaa, Calvin and Hobbes, Clowns, Coffee Shops, Cry baby, Discerner's Guide to the Galaxy, Discerning things that aren't there, Discernment for Dummies, Emergents, Evil, Fairy Tales, Flatulence, Fortress, Friends, Furious, Ghosts, Hate, Haunting, Heavy Metal, Hell Fire and Hot Sauce, Hero's, Hiding from the Truth, Identity, Imaginary Creatures, Jesus' Army, LAW of LOVE, Legalism, Lying for the Truth, Lying Lies, Lying through my teeth, Madness, Masks, New Age Grandmas, Owen Wilson, Pantheism/Panentheism, Paper bags, People we Love to Hate, People with Nice Glasses, Persecution, Punk hair style, Rick Warren, Rock Music, Satire, Seeker Movement, Sleeping late, Smallville, South Africa, Spiderman, Stronghold, Superman, Talking funny, Terminator, Things that scare me, Things that scare you, Transcendental Meditation, Transmutation, Transparency, UFO's, US of A, WHATEVER!, Who cares?, Word of Faith, Wrath | 5 Comments

The Secret Identity of a Discernmentalist

I wrote an article in 2008 about the importance of keeping discernmentalists’ true identity secret. It came to my knowledge that since then there has been a renewed effort by Emergents to fish around for the identity of these precious protectors of our Truth. Last night my wife reminded me of this article and I decided to dust it off and give it a make over to speak to this very relevant issue (Not that I want to be relevant – that is something that the Seeker Movement and Emergents do). So here we go and to all who think they know who I am I say: “Bwahahhahaa…”


It came to my attention that certain people are investigating, searching and asking around to find the true identity behind Protector of the Truth Will Farel VX. This is unfortunate, for to seek after things that should stay hidden is a wild goose chase, becoming followers of beasts.

In a recent comment left on our About/Rules of Engagement page the commenter gave this bit of “wisdom”:

You know what else a true Christian would never do? Talk about folks anonymously on the internet whether their targets are “christian” or not…….

This poor soul has never felt the hate that we feel here because we tramplestand on the Truth. We undergo constant persecution on the Internet with people saying the most hateful things against us and even threatening us personally. All because we tell our Truth without compromising it by the Law of Love.

I learned from I.Todyaso that if you ever publish a photo of yourself that you should put a bag over your head. There are rumours that he and Carlos Iggy Shelton share the same body – that is preposterous! I have super discerning x-ray sight that can tell that there is much more hair under that bag than there is on Iggy’s head.

Better still than wearing a disguise is putting up a picture of something representing you but is not you. Something like a baby elephant; or of Calvin’s trusty sidekick, Hobbes.

It is of vital importance for a discerner to hide his/her identity in order to safe guard their reputation (in case people think we are soft and prone to love anyone beside ourselves) and even life. You never know when one of those emergent heretics decide to do some Transcendental Meditation and comes to haunt you in your very own home!

Will Farel XV
Hiding from for the Truth

P.S: This disqualifies quite a number of previously thought real discerners. Sorry Ingrid!

July 14, 2009 Posted by | Aliens, All the other things I cannot think of, Angry, Anonymous, Atheism, Batman, Bill Hybels, Bla bla bla, Bwahahhahaa, Calvin and Hobbes, Coffee Shops, Cry baby, Discerner's Guide to the Galaxy, Discerning things that aren't there, Discernment for Dummies, Disguise, Emergents, Evil, Fairy Tales, Flatulence, Friends, Furious, Ghosts, Hate, Haunting, Heavy Metal, Hell Fire and Hot Sauce, Hero's, Hiding from the Truth, I. Todyaso, Identity, Iggy, Imaginary Creatures, Jesus' Army, LAW of LOVE, Legalism, Lying Lies, Lying through my teeth, Madness, Masks, New Age Grandmas, Owen Wilson, Pantheism/Panentheism, Paper bags, People we Love to Hate, People with Nice Glasses, Persecution, Punk hair style, Rick Warren, Rock Music, Satire, Seeker Movement, Smallville, South Africa, Spiderman, Superman, Talking funny, Terminator, Things that scare me, Things that scare you, Transcendental Meditation, Transmutation, Transparency, UFO's, US of A, WHATEVER!, Who cares?, Word of Faith, Wrath, Zoro | 12 Comments


robbell1The Emergent/New Age/Coffee-drinking legalists are at it again.   While they profess that they believe in grace they are really modern day Pharisees with nice glasses.  If only those glasses could help them see!

My fellow genuine Christians, these wolves in sheep’s clothing who confess grace with their mouths are slaves to the law.  One out-of-the-closet Emergent even admitted to us that he believed the Bible can be boiled down to this “law of love” they keep talking about.   LAW???  I offer one big convicting LOL to your LAW, Mr. Emergent!   

Obviously we are not under any law.  The Bible is quite clear on that.  We at Discerning the World refuse to answer to anyone’s “laws” and are committed to stand up for the TRUTH and will FIGHT for it at all costs.   Emergents are entrapped by the very thing our Jesus came to save us from and it is obvious in the ways they live their pathetic lives.  For instance, you will often find emergents sitting and eating with all sorts of vile people like drug addicts, prostitutes, prisoners and even gay people.  You will find them wasting their time building clean water wells in Africa or moving into urban gang-ridden areas to be a “presence of love and peace.”  LOL!   You might find them in worship services where they will let anyone in, not caring at all if they are genuine Christians or not.  And rarely will you find them telling someone they know online that they are going to hell and cast them out of their site as the Bible instructs  (yes, yes, yes…blah blah blah…I know.  Don’t even waste your time commenting to me, a genuine Christian, about how the instructions in Scripture regarding discipline was meant for people who are actually in communion and relationship with each other.   As if that even matters.  What does it matter to know someone’s name and they know yours before you cast judgment on them?  I mean, you don’t know my real name and I’m a genuine Christian and I judge others all the time.  The word tells us to.   I don’t need to go to church with you or get to know you before I discern you.  If you don’t like it, well, I don’t care.  Go whine to some emergent who will listen).  

So, where was I?  Oh, yes.   The Law of Love is foolishness.    Emergents will tell you that Jesus boiled the entire Bible down to love: Love God and neighbor. On this, they say, hangs the whole “story.”   Ha!   I think Jesus could have benefited from my discernment.   He obviously didn’t know what he was talking about or how people would twist his words.  I mean, if Christians really loved people and cared about others and acted humbly towards others, what sort of reputation would we have?   We at Discerning the World REFUSE to be known for our love.  We desire to be known for our TRUTH!   

We are at war people.  All is fair in love and war.   So put on your armor and join me in defeating this notion of love among Emergents.  We will be slaves to nothing except our own thinking!!!  Amen!

July 13, 2009 Posted by | Aliens, Atheism, Coffee Shops, Discerner's Guide to the Galaxy, Discerning things that aren't there, Emergents, Fairy Tales, Flatulence, Friends, Ghosts, Hell Fire and Hot Sauce, Imaginary Creatures, Jesus' Army, LAW of LOVE, Legalism, Lying Lies, New Age Grandmas, Owen Wilson, Pantheism/Panentheism, People we Love to Hate, People with Nice Glasses, Terminator, Things that scare me, Things that scare you | , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments